장면 소개
초록 알약 (안정제)을 더 찾는 베스에게 금단 현상이 있는지 묻는 졸린.
베스는 금단현상이 뭔지는 몰라도 신경이 날카로워졌는데..
Did Ferguessen give you any green pills?
퍼거슨이 초록 알약 좀 줬어?
Extra ones?
No, honey, I wish he would
아니, 그러면 얼마나 좋아
But they got the state after them for what they've been doing with those pills
근데 그 알약 때문에 정부에서 조사하고 난리야
They're still there
그대로 있어
In the big jar
큰 단지에
That a fact? I ain't noticed
그래? 몰랐는데
You're having withdrawal symptoms?
금단 증상 있어?
I don't know
what are those?
그게 뭔데?
Withdrawal, like...
I don't know, you getting edgy?
글쎼, 신경이 날카로워?
Yeah, you are
You look around,
there's gonna be some jumpy orphans around here the next few days
두고 봐,
며칠 내로 미쳐 날뛰는 애들 나온다
*withdrawal symptoms: When someone has withdrawl symtoms, they feel ill after they have stoped taking the drug which they were addicted to
*edgy: If someone is edgy, they are nervous and anxious, seem likely to lose control of themselves (=uptight, tense)
*jumpy: If you are jumpy, you are nervous or worried about something (=jittery, edgy)
장면 소개
던킨고등학교에서 12대 1로 체스게임을 이기고 온 베스.
그 감상평을 샤이벌 관리인 아저씨와 나눈다. 얼마나 그들이 형편없는 실력이었는지..
What surprise me was how bad they played
실력이 너무 형편없어서 놀랐어요
They left backward pawns all over the place,
뒤쳐진 폰이 여기저기 널려있고
and their pieces were wide open for forks.
포크에 무방비 상태더라고요
A few of them tried stupid mating attacks
무리하게 메리트를 노린 공격도 해왔는데
But I took care of them
제가 다 처리했죠
Mr. Ganz told me I beat them all in an hour and 20 minutes
갠즈 씨는 1시간 20분 만에 제가 걔들을 다 이겼대요
It felt good
기분 좋았어요
I've never won anything before
뭘 이겨본 적이 없거든요
*wide open: in a situation where you can easily be criticized, blamed, attacked etc.