고아원을 찾아온 휘틀리 부부. 베스와 휘틀리 부부의 첫만남.
그리고 베스는 이들에게 입양된다.
I will leave you three to get acquainted
그럼 베스와 이야기 나누세요
*get or become acquainted: If you get or become acquainted with someone, that you do not know, you talk to each other or do something together so that you get to know each other.
ex) The meeting were a way to get acquainted with each other
휘틀리 부부에게 입양된 베스. 난생 처음으로 자신만의 방이 생긴다
I will let you unpack and get settled in
그럼 짐 풀고 쉬렴
Just give a holler if you need anything
필요한 거 있으면 불러
*holler: to shout or call loudly(=yell)
새아빠는 출장으로 멀리 떠나고, 그 적적함을 피아노 연주로 달래는 새엄마
베스는 새아빠와 새엄마의 사이가 삐걱거림을 느낀다.
그 와중에 새엄마 피아노 솜씨가 좋은데..
You don't have to be up for another hour yet
1시간은 더 자도 돼
Must be all the excitement about your first day of school
학교 첫날이라 들떠서 일찍 눈이 떠졌니
Where did Mr. Wheatley go?
휘틀리 씨느 어디 가셨어요?
Business trip
사업 출장
Poor man has to travel quite a bit these days but..
요즘 출장이 잦아져서 안쓰럽긴 하지만
as he likes to remind me,
툭하면 말하듯이
it keeps the roof over our heads
우릴 먹여 살려야 하니깐
Please stop gawking, dear, you're making me nervous
빤히 쳐다보지 마, 긴장된다
I've played since I was younger than you
난 너보다 어릴 때부터 피아노를 쳤지
I'd always had it in my mind to one day play in orchestra
언젠가 오케스트라에서 연주하리라 마음먹었었어
Probably still could
지금도 가능하죠
As luck would have it
I've also always suffered from a terrible case of stage fright
극심한 무대 공포증에 시달렸어
which does not bode well for an aspiring performer
유명한 연주자에겐 악재지
*roof over one's heads: a place to live
ex) she gave him enough money to get a roof over his head
*gawk: to gawk at someone or something means to stare at them in a rude, stupid, or unthinking way
*bode: If something bodes ill, it makes you think that something bad will happen in the future, if something bodes well, it makes you think that something good will happen.
ex) These figures do not bode well for the company's future 이들 수치는 회사 장래에 좋은 징조가 못 된다.
*aspiring: to describe someone who is staring a particular career you mean that they are trying to become successful in it